It’s all about options

A long time ago (over a decade ago) a friend of mine told me, “It’s all about options.”

Optionality (real word or buzz word?) has its attractions. It means you can always stop what you are doing and try something else. You always have an exit and nothing is permanent. It’s exciting.

But then you never really commit, do you? Do you ever really become an expert at anything? Can you spend 10,000 hours on anything (I am aware that the Gladwell 10,000 hour rule might be bullshit, but it’s a useful placeholder for the idea of expertise) while maintaining your options? That maintenance is costly in terms of time and resources.

Options are, in the end, things you don’t do.

This is probably just a reminder for myself.


Smells and Bells, Anglo-Catholic style

Today, I decided to scratch my occasional (about every five years) itch to attend an interesting religious service. I’ve been to Tridentine pre-Vatican II masses, Latin masses, a whole host of various Protestant services, synagogue on various occasions, and even a morning service at a Shingon Buddhist Temple in Japan. I’m not religious myself, but I do enjoy the history and ceremony behind services, constantly asking myself questions like, “so why is this important?” and “why do they say it that way?” It’s a strain of my history interest, but also a throw back to my Catholic upbringing.

Today we attended St. Hilda of Whitby, an Anglican Catholic congregation here in Atlanta. My interest lies in apparent contradiction between the two words in the title of their church, as well as my interest in high church liturgy.

Indeed, it was quite high church. Certainly it was the most Tridentine liturgy I’ve seen outside of a Roman Catholic church. The priest kept his back to the congregation for a large portion of the liturgy, there was plenty of standing, sitting and kneeling as well as intra-prayer genuflecting and crossing. Sung hymns were kept at 6 or even seven verses. None of this “two verses and done” nonsense! It felt very Roman Catholic.

Yet there was the Book of Common Prayer at every seat, specifically the U.S. Episcopal 1928 Book of Common Prayer. My quick reading today tells me that the Anglican Catholic Church in the U.S. exists primarily because of deep disagreement with the 1979 revision to this book as well as disagreement with the ordination of women. The Congress of St. Louis is key here.

It was a good Easter service, filled with tradition and history. I am glad I went, and I am happy to say that the people of St. Hilda’s, although small in number, were quite welcoming. Theologically, it’s not my cup of tea but I wish them well and I always glad to partake of the vast difference in religious experience this country allows.


Roger II of Sicily

It is Christmas Day 1130 in Palermo, Sicily. On this day, Roger de Hauteville, a descendant of Norman Vikings who had conquered England only 64 years previous, will be crowned the King of Sicily, encompassing all of southern Italy. His creation would exist in one form or another until 1816. He was not your everyday medieval monarch, nor was his royal investiture normal.

He was crowned in the presence of an Orthodox archbishop and by a relatively successful Antipope, Anacletus II. The great-great grandson of Jews who converted to Christianity, this was before institutions like the Inquisition when young men with the wrong ancestors could still be Pope.

Roger had been Count of Sicily since he was 9 years old, under the regency of his mother, Adelaide, a northern Italian whom Roger I had married merely because she was rumored to be fertile and Roger I was getting old with no sons. That paid off.

During the regency of Roger II, Adelaide had remarried in an effort to increase her own and her child son’s potential power. Her new husband was Baldwin I of Jerusalem, King of the Crusader Kingdom. Roger II was named successor to the Kingdom of Jerusalem if Baldwin and Adelaide had no natural children. Unfortunately for Roger, this marriage was declared bigamous (Baldwin had an Armenian wife in Edessa) so he never ascended that holy but cursed throne.

Sicily at the time of Roger’s coronation was a cosmopolitan and multi-cultural place compared to the rest of Europe. Before falling to the Normans, it had been ruled and populated by Arabs and Byzantines in the chaotic wake of the Roman collapse. One of Roger’s advisors and military captains was a man named Christodulus (“Slave of Christ”). He was likely either Greek Orthodox or Western Christian converted from Islam. His title was Emir of Palermo, and was later made Emir of the Sea (Amir Al-Bahr) by Roger. This is where we get the word “Admiral.”


But as usual with history, the real interesting bits in history appear when you look at actual objects. The picture above is of Roger’s coronation mantel (a very large cape). It is now housed in the Hapsburg treasury in Vienna where it ended up after centuries of theft and royal intermarriage. You can see it there on display today.

This is a fascinating piece. First, the gold and silk work is stunning by itself. We have no idea who made this, but they were quite skilled for the time and the technology. Second, it features on both sides a lion attacking and getting the better of a camel. No need to explain that imagery. But the tree down the middle and the edge along the top are filled with Arabic and Islamic shapes and design, many common in mosques at the time.

Most interesting is the writing along the bottom. It is written in Kufic Arabic script and says:

Here is what was created in the princely treasury, filled with luck, illustration, majesty, perfection, longanimity, superiority, welcome, prosperity, liberality, shine, pride, beauty, the achievement of desires and hopes, the pleasure of days and nights, without cease or change, with glory, devotion, preservation, protection, chance, salvation, victory and capability, in the capital of Sicily, in the year 528.

528? Yes, that would be 528 Anno Hegirae, in the year of the Hegira.

This mantel was part of the Hapsburg coronation vestments through the last Austrian Emperor’s crowning in 1916.

Another still-standing example of Roger’s polyglot kingdom is the Capella Palatina in Palermo. It was built by Roger as the royal family’s chapel and features Norman decor, Byzantine architecture, as well as Islamic arches and script throughout. Interestingly, Roger placed no human figures in the church. Those now there were placed by later rulers.

After 1130, Roger consolidated his kingdom, fighting off rebellions as well as the German Emperor and the Byzantine Emperor. He also made a significant effort at grabbing large parts of the North African coast from various Muslim kingdoms. He captured Tripoli in 1146 but this was not lasting. No one in the greater European power structure liked or respected Roger, but he always beat them.

Roger died in 1154 and was succeeded as king by his son William. This monarch is known to history as William the Bad, although it appears that’s just because his barons didn’t like the fact that they couldn’t rebel against him effectively.

Want more on Roger and his Norman predecessors as well as the fate of the Norman Kingdom of Sicily? Lars Brownworth’s Norman Centuries podcast is where you want to go. At the very least, listen to one on Frederick II.


The Matching Principle

Get ready folks. This is the accounting-related post you’ve all been waiting for. If you do something all day long, eventually it relates to everything else.

In accounting, the matching principle says:

Expenses should be recorded during the period in which they are incurred, regardless of when the transfer of cash occurs.

Let’s take a few examples (and stretch them a bit):

  1. You get a legitimate bill in your inbox. According to the matching principle, you need to book that expense in your financials at the moment the service or good you bought was received, not when you finally pay it, perhaps weeks later. That money is spent, even though you are still holding it.
  2. Someone promises you money in writing, unconditionally, in writing. Boom! You show that promise as an asset as of the moment of their promise.
  3. You pay for 12 months worth of services today, in March. Well, you don’t show that entire 12 month bill as an expense in March despite the fact that the cash went out in March. You expense it out evenly over 12 months as a “prepaid expense.”

It’s a nice concept to bring over to other things: your time, your energy, your own resources. If it’s going to happen, then it *did* happen. Book it and move on. If you don’t like it, don’t try to change the fact of it happening. Rather, try to build up the other side of the equation so that it doesn’t matter as much.

You can’t erase it. (In accounting, that would be fraud.) It happened. Make peace, but act to reduce its significance.

Now flip all this on its head. If you know something is coming or is due, and you don’t realize it (book it mentally), you’re lying. It could be to yourself or to your shareholders (family, friends, colleagues), but you are definitely lying.

Match your knowledge with your actions.

Already learning


I am a terrible proofreader. That much is clear after only a week of this blogging experiment. I vomit my thoughts out on the screen, conduct a cursory overview, and then publish. And I inevitably miss spelling errors and many times, entire words. I am sure you have all noticed.

I am generally better than this at my paying job, so this strikes me as strange. Could it be an unconscious level of importance I place on blogging?

Get out

During a normal week, I situate myself in several places in Atlanta to get stuff done. Home, the FEE offices (one day/week), Strongbox West (2 days/week), and at Chrome Yellow at various points.

A lesson I learned too late is that the same setting for too long is bad for creativity and productivity. I, for good or ill, need almost constant refreshment in terms of my surroundings.

Today, I stayed home all day and I can feel the tension resident in that fact. Oh sure, I got things done but I feel pretty sapped from the whole thing.

All of this to make the following points: 1. get out when you can, 2. another reason to be thankful for our 21st century reality. The office is no longer our torturer.

Side note: I did not realize until right now that Chrome Yellow is not only a reference to the old paint factory it was built in, but also to Aldous Huxley’s novel Crome Yellow. I’ve only read Brave New World.


I need 6 players for Online Diplomacy


Friends, I need 6 people to commit to a game of online Diplomacy. If you haven’t played before, this will be a great, low-impact, low-time commitment way to get familiar.

I am thinking a standard game with 2-3 days between phases so no one has to worry about it constantly, but quick enough so people don’t lose interest or forget about it. And, of course time for smack talk and/or actual negotiation.

Here’s the site I use: Shoot me a comment here or an email to carl[at] and we’ll get going in a few days.

Or comment here if you have questions for the benefit of the group.